Design first - build smart, sustainable and inclusive
Stay curious while discovering Luxembourgish Architecture, Engineering and Urbanism.
Pierre Hurt

Luxembourg, with its central position in Europe, always attracted a broad cultural diversity, creating new needs in the development of the built environment. This development acted as a real incubator for the dynamic growth in the building industry over the last decades. Luxembourgish architects, interior architects, consulting engineers, urban designers and master planners and landscape architects / landscape engineers benefitted from the vibrant environment to sharpen their ability to adapt quickly to new circumstances. Their multilingualism and their international experience acquired by studying in diverse countries equally served to build a reputation within the Greater Region that expanded through Europe. Also participating in architectural competitions and symposia proves an entrepreneurial drive can be felt among Luxembourgish architects and consulting engineers.
The essence of Architects’ and Consulting Engineers’ profession embraces certain quality labels such as guaranteeing independence and ethics, defending public interest and interests of clients and users, integrity, being prepared to carry out principles of circular economy, promoting new tools like BIM and assuming responsibilities within the cradle-to-cradle issues. Luxembourg is therefore an ideal think tank for new ways of living smart technologies and innovative processes and collaborations.
In order to support its members, the “Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils “ (OAI) actively promotes their produced quality for our environment. Beyond its missions as a legal body, as a professional organisation and as an institution of public interest, the OAI enhances the real dimension of its members’ work at an economic, social, artistic and cultural level, to attain a sustainable, smart and high quality living environment.
Collaborations with other national authorities in the private as well as the public sector are part of the strategy to create synergies with the aim of exporting the expertise and the high quality services of our members.
Professional, independent, integrated and detailed design is the best way to guarantee added value to building.
Construction must avoid becoming just an ordinary industrial and commercial process. It is of tremendous importance to establish with the client the right standards of quality from the beginning of each project.
OAI members provide creative, functional and economic planning, coordination and supervision of building projects.
Having a close relationship with the client enables OAI members to customise the construction to his specific needs. They develop the project within the available budget and they are ready to follow the “Life Cycle Cost” and circular economy principles.
OAI members work in a stage by stage process: feasibility studies and design of the project, legal requirements, call for tenders and analysis of contractors’ and craftsmen’s quotations, control of the building site and deadlines, as well as control of the quality of execution, assistance to work acceptance.
It is rare to gather the 5 OAI professions in one single professional body. This facilitates managing and integrating task force teams thus satisfying the client’s needs with accuracy and to the highest standards.
Luxembourg is situated in the heart of Europe and at the crossroad of multilingual cultures. This has a positive influence on creativity, technical know-how and on innovation through interregional and international exchanges. The formation of polyglot and multicultural teams is thus promoted. These influences result in a construction identity specific to the country.
This situation is enhanced by the fact that on one hand office’s staff attended university mainly abroad, which increased their ability to adapt to foreign markets, and on the other hand, international clients have, more and more, developed ambitious projects locally.
The essence of the 5 OAI professions is such as follows:
- qualification, competence, expertise, creativity and inventiveness,
- guaranteeing independence and ethics,
- assuming professional responsibilities,
- the obligation of taking insurance policies that cover these risks,
- avoiding conflicts of interest by renouncing to any
- commercial activity,
- defending public interest and interests of clients and users.